Our Adult Day Center is OPEN 10am-3pm, Monday – Friday.
Our current calendar is below.
We can’t wait for you to come visit our Adult Day Center – the McKibbin Center at 2300 NE Andresen Rd Vancouver, WA 98661
After over three decades of providing tens of thousands of people with millions of hours of in-home care, CDM Caregiving Services realized that there was more that we could do for the community – we already offer the best care in YOUR home — now we also offer the best care in OUR home.
The CDM Adult Day Services Center opened in 2008, and moved to our NEW center in 2018. We lead the way in adult day services that provide respite for caregivers and meaningful activities for clients.
- Registered Nurse on staff during core hours allows us to expand the scope of care that we can provide, such as medication administration, blood pressure monitoring, and diabetic foot care, as well as communication with client’s medical provider to maximize health.
- Adult Day Health clients can receive an individualized restorative exercise program by a licensed Physical Therapist, and our staff guide participants through this program to prevent falls, slow decline, and maximize health.
- Services such as Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Therapy Animals, and memory-boosting activities are included in the Adult Day Center curriculum, in order to reach different parts of the brain and stimulate clients in different ways.
- Socialization with others and being part of a “community” has proven to reduce depression and increase general health.
- Nutritious and varied meals are included.
- Free caregiver support groups may be available.
- Care is available from 10AM to 3PM Monday through Friday.
The CDM McKibbin Center is located at 2300 NE Andresen Rd in Vancouver, across from WinCo and adjacent to Share. Hours are 10:00AM to 3:00PM Monday through Friday.
We provide services funded by Medicaid, Respite, the Family Caregiver Program, and other publicly funded programs. We also accept most long-term care insurance, and have competitive private-pay rates.
How do I Get Started?
Call 360-896-9695 or email info@cdmcaregiving.org and ask to schedule a tour or a trial day.
We recommend that individuals schedule a free trial day to join us for activities and lunch. This gives the individual and their family a chance to see if the day center is right for them.
When you call to schedule, our staff will help you choose a day that will best suit your loved one.
If you’re not ready for a trial day but would like to come by and see what it’s all about, we can schedule a tour for you.
How much does it cost?
We accept Medicaid and other state funding, and some long-term care insurance polices cover adult day services. We also do private pay services with the following rates:
Click to read CDM’s criteria for individuals visiting the Adult Day Center.
Download Monthly Activities (CLICK TO OPEN/DOWNLOAD/PRINT)
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